This page helps you to understand how to find the best deal for you!
We only employ highly experienced and friendly mixologists and use quality ingredients for the cocktails.
Our prices depend on multiple factors.
Number of hours of service: Minimum, 2 Hour
Number of cocktails ordered: We have better rates when you order 300+ cocktails.
Number of guests: Please note: We allocate 1 mixologist for each 30 guests to allow a smooth and quick service and for not overloading the mixologist.
Location: We have standard fares for London based events. For events outside of London special fares apply. Are you in our neighbourhood? We work with numerous local companies (NW10) and we can offer reduced fees for events which are less than 30minutes away.
Which day is cheaper to book a cocktail bar hire?
Mondays, Tuesdays, and Sundays are usually days with low demands, and we have flexibility to give you a better price for your event.
Can I still get better prices for Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays?
We have a few tips to help you save money on busy dates.
Organising well in advance pays off! You can get better prices if you book us at least 3 months in advance. We have early bird discounts that applies to Full Packages and Dry Hire to help you save on your next event.
Have your party in the early afternoon! Friday and Saturday we are always busy from 5pm onwards. Have your cocktail bar in the early afternoon and we can give you discounted rates.
Become a regular! We take care of our regular clients that’s why we would like to reward those who have chosen us for their parties. Subscribe to our Loyalty Programme, book events with us and save money, time and be the first to try the new packages!
Tips to bring the price down.
For Full Packages, you can reduce your cocktail choices to 2-3 cocktails maximum or have your cocktails choices based on 1-2 alcoholic component (e.g. 1-2 cocktails made with vodka, 1-2 cocktails made with gin).
If you have a Dry Hire, to help decrease the price, we can suggest you provide the glasses or, instead of us bringing the mobile bar, you can supply a table where the mixologist can work.
Overall, the best advice to get a better price is to have your party when the demand for events is low: Sundays, Monday, and Tuesday.

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